What is 3D casting?

3D casting is a fun and quick way to create an exact replica of hands, feet, face, bumps, torso and even paws! It picks up all the wrinkles, folds and creases on the skin and would make for perfect keepsakes to be treasured for generations to come. A priceless gift for your child on the naming ceremony, on the day of birth, or first birthday, for your parents on their anniversary, engagement or wedding gift for that special friend/sibling. The happiness in a timeless gift as this can never be measured, but treasured.

Book an appointment for a 'one to one' professional engagement.


Your contribution in the process

We just need a few minutes of your time to capture and immortalize your cherished memory with your loved one.

Meeting the client one to one is mandatory. I can come to your place or you can drop in, call/ whatsapp now to discuss more regarding this.

On our first meeting, we dip the hands/ feet/ body part to be sculptured in a mousse/paste, which sets in 2 minutes. Removing the body part from the mousse is as simple as dipping. It is fun and easy!

This mousse is very very safe even if ingested. It does not cause any allergies or discomfort.

The mousse captures all the tiny details, which we use to carve, paint and finish the sculptures.
The final stone sculptures are delivered in a week.

So what are you waiting for??
Get all your loved ones’ sculptures done today. Create your own Madame Tussauds at home with the collection of life-like stone sculptures exhibit.
Let us help you create that precious corner of your home!


So what are you waiting for??

Get all your loved ones’ sculptures done today. Create your own Madame Tussauds at home with the collection of life-like stone sculptures exhibit.
Let us help you create that precious corner of your home!

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